Nancy Korakidou

Nancy Korakidou

Real Estate agent
Phone:+30 694 7026063
Address:22, Kifisias Avenue, Athens, Greece


Nancy graduated with a degree in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business, with the intention of joining her family’s business. Discovering her own home nearly 25 years ago sparked her fascination with real estate, capturing her heart ever since.

Over the years, she has dedicated countless hours to guiding clients, negotiating deals, and celebrating successes in the realm of real estate. Despite the challenges, Nancy finds joy in helping clients uncover their dream homes.

In her professional endeavors, Nancy thrives on human interaction and problem-solving, relentlessly pursuing solutions to overcome obstacles and achieve desired outcomes.

During her leisure time, Nancy indulges in her passion for theater and blogging, enriching her life with creative pursuits.

Her guiding principle echoes through her actions: “If you don’t ask for what you want, you’ll never discover what you hope for.”
