Nadia Chrysomallidi

Nadia Chrysomallidi

Real Estate agent
Τηλέφωνο:+30 694 2080400
Διεύθυνση:22, Kifisias Avenue, Athens, Greece


Nadia has studied Environmental Engineering at the University of
Patras, living there for 5 years of her life. Wanting to follow her love for
the summer season and of meeting new people, she worked for 3

summer seasons in Santorini, as a crew member of one of the biggest
yachts of the Caldera. Her roots called her back in Athens, when she
met the team of CCRE Group and they embraced her as one of their
own. She worked as the Executive Assistant to the C.E.O for 2.5 years,
giving her all the inside knowledge and the right boost to expand her
career to become a Key Account Manager and a Real Estate Advisor.
On her free time she enjoys playing beach volley and sailing.
